You Can't Spoil a Child through Love.
You Can never Spoil a Child through Love.
We all worry about spoiling our child, especially if they special needs, but rest assured that you can never spoil your child with too
much love.
Love does not and never will, spoil a child.
Love is imperative to a child's healthy
self esteem
and it's just not possible to ever love your child too much.
All children need caring adults to spend time with them, play with them, teach them, protect them, and enjoy life with them, to be
there, for both the good times and the bad times.
It's a parent's number one priority to provide love, safety and encouragement.
The process of growing up provides children with many challenges, both big and small, and as a parent we want to protect our children
and make all there worries disappear.
Instead, listen to them, keep an open mind and try to understand their situation. Communicate honestly with them when they have
difficulties and letdowns in their life.
Set appropriate limits with your child and then adhere to them!
The purpose of establishing limits with your child is to give them a sense of safety and security. Sometimes parents do not set
limits because they don't want to fight with their children, or they are scared of the consequences. They don't want to cause bad
feelings or be the Bad Guy. They may beg a child to cooperate or they may make rules and fail to enforce them. They may nag, beg
and plead their child, without ever enforcing the rules.
This type of
is NOT helping your child at all!
When your child fails to follow the
or comply with the boundaries you've set for them, be firm yet kind in your response and
how you deal with the situation.
This lets them know that you're serious about enforcing the rule but dedicated to helping and loving them.
Keep in mind though that each child is different
what works for one child may not work for another; For example, one child may respond
well to the direct approach of telling them to pick up their toys before dinner, where as another child may need a gentle reminder
that its almost dinner time and their toys need to be picked up.
Develop a firm but kind manner of making and enforcing your household's rules and expectations.
There's no need for you to fear your child, just because they have special needs, and there should be no need to instil a sense of fear
in them in order to get them to cooperate with us.
Be kind, loving and respectful, yet firm and you will get this in return from your child.
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