The Special Needs Child Site Map
p>Use this handy site map to find your way around my site full of information, tips and techniques for raising, loving and parenting a child with special needs. Special families need to share stories, resources, and information to inspire and motivate each other on this long journey full of ups and downs, raising a child with special needs.
Special Needs Articles
How to promote friendships amonst special needs and non-disabled children
Special needs children learn language development and social skills in play
Humour Heals like good medicine
Myths in dealing with special needs children
Special Parenting for special needs
Early childhood development
Physical Development Skills
Intellectual Development Skills
Social Development Skills
Language Development Skills
The Invisible Mother
Getting a diagnosis
How to choose a peadiatrician
Working with Specialists
What is Early Intervention?
Doctors and Hospitals
Parenting a Special Needs Child
FAQ after a diagnosis
Potty Training
Potty training a special needs child
Tips to make potty training a success
Potty training methods.
Special Education
What exactly is Special education?
Schooling options.
What parents would like Special educators to know.
What special educators would like parents to know.
Back to school.
Parents evening.
Contact log.
Special needs therapy.
Occupational therapy.
Speech Therapy.
Speech Therapy.
Fine Motor skills.
Gross Motor skills.
Dysfunction of sensory Integration.
Low Muscle tone.
Homeschooling children with special needs.
ABC Fun and 123
How do routines help?
Children with behaviour problems.
Teaching rules and routines.
Improving behaviour in your child.
What are self-esteem activities?
Special needs discipline.
Before disciplining your special needs child.
How to prevent public meltdowns.
When your child has public tantrums.
Using the 'time-out discipline" technique.
Top time-out spots.
Give yourself a time-out.
Day care
Day care providers.
Special needs activities
Fine motor activities
Gross motor activities
Speech activities
sensory integration activities
About me!
About me.
About my site.
Why I love SBI!
Contact me.

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