During early childhood development,children develop and acquire skills at a different pace, within a certain window of time.
If you notice that your child is not doing things that
other children are, at the same age, this might be a ‘red flag’ for you and so take the warning signs seriously that your child may be developmentally delayed.
Keep a journal, of what your child is capable of and where they are lagging behind, and discuss your concerns with your
Developmental delays
As a child grows, they learn and develop new skills within a certain time frame, that is considered age appropriate, early childhood development skills.
Developmental delays happen when your child has not reached certain milestones in the expected period of time.
For example, anywhere between 9 and 15 months is considered within the normal range for a child to walk. If your little on has not started walking by
18 months, this is considered to be a developmental delay, and you should consult your paediatrician immediately.
All children develope at a different rate and pace.
At this, or any age, a dramatic loss of skills once had may be a warning sign of a delay or disorder.
There are many different factors that can contribute to developmental delay; Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, like Down’s syndrome,
Preemie babies, poor nutrition, or exposure to harmful drugs during pregnancy are all factors that can lead to a child being developmentally delayed.
Your paediatrician should be able to screen for delay’s, by simply having you fill out a questionnaire, or asking you various questions about what your
can and cannot do, or which skills they acquired at which age.
If he is concerned, he may send your child for a formal screening test with a
who can determine delays in your child’s social, personal,
gross motor skills
and also language skills.
Warning signs of developmental delay
Consider some of the following points as possible warning signs of early childhood developmental delay:
No reaction to loud noises
Has not discovered their hands, and they don’t put their hands in their mouth.
Don’t follow objects with their eyes or turn their head towards a sound.
Can’t support their head by themselves at 3 months
Can’t reach for toys or grasp them
Can’t bear weight on their legs at about 4 months.
Have either very stiff or very floppy limbs
Prefers one side of their body more than the other.
Can’t pick up small objects
Is clumsy, and falls often
Continuous drooling
Has unclear speech at about 1 year of age
Is not interested in playing with other children
Cannot follow simple instructions
Suffers from separation anxiety, when taken away from mother
Is scared of strangers
Cannot throw a ball, run or jump
Looses interest in an activity very quickly
If you are concerned that your child might be developmentally delayed, speak to your GP or paediatrician. They can point you in the right direction to get the best help for your child as soon as possible.
Early intervention
is essential, as this will help your child to achieve their milestones and develop a good self esteem.
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Cute Baby Kids Paradise Useful resource for parents featuring advice, information & tips caring for your newborn, baby & kids development.
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